Sunday, November 23, 2014

About English Language

English is used as a common language for global communication. As an independent nation, we have to maintain our political, commercial and cultural relations with the rest of the world through English. The people who speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of speakers of Mandarin Chinese. Being a developing country. We have to deal with many international agenices and organizations like the world Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, ADB and so on. Only a good command of English will enable us to communicate effectively with these international bodies.
English gives us easy access to the ever expanding knowledge of science and technology, arts and education, innovations and discoveries. All the books are either written in English or translated into English them if you have acquired the reading skills in English.
English is the language of information technology. English has in fact made the whole world a global village. You can now communicate with people thousands of kilometers away in a second, using such electronic media as the telephone, telex, fax and E-mail. English is the language of the international labour market. English for occupation purposes can help us find jobs in other countries. Knowing the language of a country may enable you to work in that country or in the country where that language. If you know English in addition to your mother tongue, you may be said to have possessed an 'international passport' to visit. So we can understand English is the most important language  for world of people.

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